How do you make people worship?

The short answer is, "you can’t."

The crux of the matter is, it's simply not possible to make people worship. Regardless of the musician's talent, the mood of the service, the media used, or the volume of the music, no one can compel another to worship genuinely. However, as a worship leader or pastor, the goal should be to create an environment that encourages worship. The real question is, how do we assist people in worshiping?

Leading worship is a minefield of potential errors. It's crucial to avoid false forms of worship, such as self-worship, empty worship, or worship for show. Helping others worship is not about forcing them to worship. So, what is it?

Is it about creating the right atmosphere? It's not something you can manipulate like adjusting a thermostat. It's not about musical talent either. Sure, a cracking voice might be distracting, but it doesn't prevent or compel worship. To answer the question, "how do you help people worship," we need to examine some fundamental biblical facts.

Click the "Download" button to get a free PDF that delves into the four elements of true worship. Our aim is to help believers worship in spirit and truth.